Black & White Photography


"Architecture in Frankfurt" - Joachim Kath 2024 ©


"Pile Village / Pfahldorf Lake Constance" - Joachim Kath 2024 ©


"Miami" - Joachim Kath 2023 ©


"Starnberger See April 2022" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Lake Constance / Bodensee" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Dove / Taube / Peace / Frieden - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Griffon Vulture / Gänsegeier" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


Black Swan" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Yak Baby" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Polar Bear" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Peacock / Pfau" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Groundhog / Murmeltier" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Pelican - close up" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Emu" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Daffodils / Osterglocken" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Stork in Flight" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Canin" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Marabu" -Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Flamingo" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Sicca-Hirsch" -Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Green Woodpecker / Grünspecht" in my garden - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Goose / Gans" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Penguin" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Robin / Rotkehlchen" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Turkey" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Jackdaw / Dohle" -Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Crown Crane" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Sheep / Schaf" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Cormorant / Kormoran" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Bald Ibis / Waldrapp" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


Flamingos" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Lion" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Cows" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Ant / Ente" -Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Bull" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©


"Fish streamlined" - Joachim Kath 2022 ©



Our life is what our thoughts make it!

(Marc Aurel)

Evidence matters - even

in my country!

Stop the War of Aggression now!

Warum Krieg?

Natural Sculpture by J. Kath

Olympic Pandemia by J. Kath

Snake by J.Kath ©

Black & White Photography ©


The profile determines the identity - and the identity determines the image! Design is the 

No. 1 success factor for every company!

Das Profil bestimmt die Identität - und die Identität das Image!

Gestaltung ist der Erfolgsfaktor Nr. 1 für jede Unternehmung!

The design share of the brand value is 50 percent. At least! 

Der Design-Anteil am

Markenwert beträgt

50 Prozent. Mindestens!